Friday, February 17, 2012

Ask Not What the Arena Could Do for You

... ask what you could do in the Arena.
If you're JFK, the answer to that is to just keep winning.

Bush vs. Kennedy
George H.W. Bush     14 (46.7%)
John F. Kennedy16 (53.3%)

It was neck-and-neck all week, with Bush leading for the majority of the time. But when the buzzer went off, it was JFK in front. It would have been to Bush's advantage to push it a bit further. A tie would have given him the automatic win, as the commentariat was 2-to-1 for Bush for a variety of reasons.

This isn't the first time Bugs Bunny was used as a model for a Bush in the Arena. However, both instances led to a Bush loss. And no, of course it's not too soon to start cracking jokes about JFK's interns.

JFK moves on to the quarterfinals, where he will face Theodore Roosevelt March 12.
And with that, we're done with the Round of 16. With the quarterfinals kicking off next week, only eight combatants remain. Shit is, indeed, about to get real (assuming it hasn't already, which some could argue it has). Next week, our first quarterfinal match will be Andrew Jackson against Thomas J. Whitmore of Independence Day.

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